SDGs Initiatives
Royal Park Hotel endorses the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS) advocated by the United Nations and is committed to proactively working toward the realization of a sustainable society. Food loss and environmental issues are inseparable from the hotel business.In response to these issues, each and every staff member at our hotel continues to think about what constitutes “sustainable activities” with an eye toward a better future.We would like to introduce the activities that our hotel can do to contribute to the city and society as a whole through connections with the local community.
Sustainable Development Goals

As a successor to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) formulated in 2001, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was adopted unanimously by member states at the United Nations Summit in September 2015. This is an international goal that aims to create a sustainable and better world by 2030. Consisting of 17 goals and 169 targets, it pledges to “leave no one behind” on earth.
Initiatives Against Food Waste

Effective Management of Serving Amounts to Reduce Food Loss at Buffets
At buffets, it can be difficult to provide the right amount of food to guests, and leftover food is often thrown away. By replacing large dishes with small bowls containing individual servings, we can prevent large amounts of leftovers and reduce waste without compromising the presentation.

Introduction of Fair Trade Certified Food and Beverages
As a hotel chain, we support fair trade initiatives by continuously purchasing raw materials and products from developing countries at fair prices to improve the lives and independence of producers and workers in those countries. As such, we are using certified fair trade coffee and wine products at the hotel.

Ideas for Making Effective Use of Food Scraps to Create Products Without Waste
We are working to develop new menu items by effectively utilizing scraps generated during the process of cooking products.
*Rusks are made by effectively utilizing castella scraps.
*Jam made from reused fruit peels served at the Executive Lounge.

Donating Emergency Supplies to Food Banks
We are donating disaster prevention supplies to “Second Harvest Japan“, an organization certified by Alliance of Japan Foodbanks.
・Donated a total of 2,400 meals as of September 2021
・Donated a total of 2,250 meals as of December 2021

We Have Created Menu Items That Allow The Same Ingredients to be Used Across Multiple Restaurant
If we have leftover food scraps or unused food items, we give them to restaurants that need them in order to avoid food loss as much as possible.
Efforts to Reuse and Reduce Resources

Sakura Quality An ESG Practice Certification
We have acquired the international certification “Sakura Quality An ESG Practice” for accommodation facilities that practice SDGs.
What is “Sakura Quality An ESG Practice”?
“Sakura Quality An ESG Practice” Website

Amenity Products That Reduce Environmental Impact
The ECO amenities provided to guests are environmentally friendly amenities that reduce the amount of plastic used by approximately 40% by combining polypropylene resin (PP) with rice husks.
We are also introducing mineral water made from 100% recycled PET bottles.
In order to realize a sustainable society, we will continue to work to reduce our environmental impact.

Eco-Friendly Room Cleaning for Guests Staying Multiple Nights
For guests staying multiple nights, bed linen will be changed every third day to protect the environment. If you would like your linen changed more frequently, please indicate your preference on the request card provided. We will work together with our customers to protect the environment.

Carbon Neutral MICE Proposal
By replacing the electricity used in events and conferences held at the Royal Park Hotel with renewable energy, you can hold your event with virtually zero CO₂ emissions. Please use this opportunity to help combat global warming and contribute to the SDGs.
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Reprocessing of Food Waste as Livestock Feed
We repurpose food waste such as kitchen scraps into livestock feed.
・FY2021: Processed 134.6 tons of food waste and reused it as feed

Reuse of Wastewater
Wastewater from the hotel kitchen is purified using graywater supply equipment and reused as toilet flushing water. We will contribute to improving the quality of wastewater discharged, reducing the burden on public sewers, and reducing tap water consumption.
・FY2022: Approximately 24,000 tons

Reduction of Power Consumption
We have reduced power consumption by stopping some employee elevators and diligently saving power on electrical equipment in the back office.
Participation in SAF (Sustainable Aviation Fuel) Activities
By using salad oil used in cooking as a raw material for SAF and collaborating in the recovery of waste cooking oil, we will contribute to reducing CO2 emissions from aircrafts.
Initiatives for Customer Safety and Security

Accessible Rooms
We offer universal rooms and services to ensure your peace of mind.
You can enjoy your stay in a safe and secure room with no steps, designed for ease of use.
Please contact us for details about our rooms and services.
Contact us

Disaster Prevention Measures
・Implementation of fire and disaster prevention training for hotel staff once a month
・Participation in the annual self-defense fire training review committee

Regarding Food Safety
We have implemented the following hygiene safety methods that incorporate HACCAP approaches, which aim to provide customers with safe meals and eliminate accidents caused by food poisoning.
・Formulation of hygiene management plans
・Implementation of hygiene management plans
・Keeping a record of conducted activities
Royal Park Hotels
Initiatives for the SDGs